Why Me?


We are living in such a society where we have a gang of feminists in every nook and corner of society. Do we actually know the meaning of feminism? Does this society actually address feminine issues? We all need to think about this. This book is actually a memoir to all those women/girls/females who are abandoned from society for various factors like the widow, divorce, skin color, body types, rape victims, domestic violence, child abuse, physical and mental abuse, etc. No matter what these people had never given up and are struggling every day to prove themselves. Another issue which we don’t talk about is mental health. All the above-mentioned tortures and mental health is somehow related to each other. This story is a biography of a girl called Gauri Bose who has been a victim of various social injustices and tortures from a very small age but she never gave up. Every moment she has been humiliated and tortured, her self-respect has been torn apart. She was a victim of child abuse, domestic violence, mental torture, etc but she always chose to stand up and fight for herself. Is it always correct to adjust? Is it correct to give up on self-respect in the name of adjustment? This story shows various issues of the society which any girt can face. So we need to see what Gauri does to stand for herself.



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