Life Is Uncertain, Corona A Life Changer


Dr. Rajan Deshpande is one of those noted personalities, who is known to almost two generations in North Karnataka and beyond for his yeoman service in the field of child health care. He is a senior pediatrician, a humanitarian, philanthropist, and entrepreneur, who has touched the lives of the poorest of poor and richest of the rich for over four decades. The winner of Dr.B.C. Roy National Award, the Karnataka Rajyotsava Award, and many more. He has been deeply involved in medico-social services and has rendered innumerable humanitarian services to the needy. He has decored high posts in social and professional organizations at the state, national and international levels. He has nicely depicted his personal experiences defeating corana.

The Corona pandemic has taught a lesson to the whole of mankind. Life cannot be taken for granted and it has lots of turning points. The covid – 19 have devastated life and made it miserable for the common man. Every human being and every nation has learned a lesson.

The book vividly depicts various relevant aspects of covid – 19 that touched everyone in two sections. The medical section throws light on what a lay person should understand the basics of the disease. The second section opens up the ground reality of the hardship to society in general and to the common man in particular. The eminent personalities with vast experience have penned down their thoughts nicely in the book which makes it interesting reading. As Corona is certainly a change maker, hope that the reader will look into the post covid life differently.



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