A Divine Path to a Happy Marriage


What pushed me to write this book? In my 15 years of professional experience, having expertise in Family Cases, I came across married couples who were struggling to sustain their marital relationships as they had encountered several issues. In most cases, I felt the pain of the couples wherein, it was not only them who struggled to sustain the marriage, but also the children who were greatly affected, suffered mental agony and trauma, who had to see their parents not having a healthy relationship. As a result, the children were psychologically affected and abandoned, thanks to the separation. As a matter of fact, I was able to analyze and figure out where things go wrong in a marital relationship. If some important aspects of marriage are detailed clearly, individuals who are prospective to get married will know if they are really prepared for a marital relationship or not. This could save them from future traumas & troubles if they are aware & be prepared for where the trouble or firefighting issues would arise in their marital relationships.



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